Open Monday – Friday between 9.00am - 4.00pmContact us by phone on 0207 603 5232 or email us on [email protected]
Meet James
James has been attending BCP for around 10 years. He has a history of alcohol and drug use along with learning difficulties and a diagnosis of schizophrenia. He had been homeless on a number of occasions since the age of 16 and arrested several times for anti social behaviour.
James attends the project for support with housing and money. Due to his learning difficulties he struggles to understand letters or budgeting and as result has been at risk of loosing his accommodation and becoming homeless again.
We were able to help James get £3.5k of his rent arrears back dated by Housing Benefit and a repayment plan to clear the remaining debt so he is able to stay in his flat. We will continue to support James and look at ways to help support his housing and budgeting in the future.
Meet Lucas
Lucas first came to the project in 2012, he’d been diagnosed with depression and been street homeless on and off for about 5 years, after leaving care.
By coming to the service Lucas' immediate needs were met. He could have a shower, do his laundry and have something to eat. During this time we made a referral to a service who find flats for rough sleepers.
Lucas was accepted and now has a place to call home. Although it was unfurnished at first, we made an appeal and the local community rallied together and within a week his house was full of belongings, things to call his own.
Meet Jeremy
Jeremy stated using Barons Court Project whilst living in a hostel. He often ran out of money and we supported him with budgeting skills, meals and foodbank vouchers. Over time we helped him into college and he undertook City and Guilds courses and now has completed Level 1 and 2 in electrics. We also assisted with funding a CICS card so he can take paid work.
More recently, Jeremy has moved into a Studio flat and now has a place to call his own. He continues to take work when he can. His ambition is to continue with his electrical course. So we partnered with Beam who crowdfund for ex-homeless people to undertake courses that will lead to employment. We are delighted that Jay reached his target of £4K in just over three weeks.
He is now set for his final year of study, settled in his home and happy. He occasionally pops in to see us but has moved on from needing regular support.
Meet Sarah
Sarah was made homeless after being evicted for rent arrears as a result of loosing her job. She turned to alcohol to cope and had little motivation for finding housing or work.
As she was rough sleeping Sarah initially came to the Project for practical support such as shower, laundry, clothes, food etc. We have since been able to support her with finding accommodation and referring her to Beam to help her progress with career opportunities.
Sarah has secured accommodation and is a lot more settled, happier and determined. She no longer drinks and attends our abstinence group for support. She is also studying bookkeeping to help her secure employment in the future.